Tag Archives: residential meditation retreat

April 24-28, 2025 Meditation Retreat: LOVING YOURSELF – Nurturing the Heart Practices

The Buddha taught that you can search the entire universe for someone more deserving of your love and affection than yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.

And yet, for many of us, it seems much easier for us to offer our care, compassion, and even forgiveness to others than to ourselves.

We tend to beat ourselves up, or give ourselves an unnecessarily hard time for our “perfectly human” imperfections.

During this 5-day meditation retreat, we’ll be deeply exploring and nurturing the heart practices of kindness, compassion, joy, and a sense of profound ease (or equanimity) – for the person we spend the most time with – ourselves.

In the Buddhist tradition, these four essential qualities of heart are called the Divine Abodes, or the Bhrama Viharas, which translates as the “dwelling places of the gods.” And the idea is that, through our practice, we can not only nurture these qualities, but eventually, we can become these qualities … and “dwell there,” in the home of our body, mind, and heart.

Our silent retreat together will include dharma talks, periods of both guided and silent meditation, walking meditation, and Q&A sessions about these essential practices. Check-in will be from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, and the retreat will end at 12:45 p.m. Monday, followed by lunch.


July 6-10, 2024, 5-Day Meditation Retreat – THIS IS IT: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

For thousands of years, the famous Satipatthana Sutra has been used as a powerful and profound spiritual road map. Contained within it are the rich teachings on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which the Buddha himself called the “direct path to enlightenment.”

In essence, this sutra is the very basis and ground of our entire practice, and diving deep into its teachings is exactly what can lead us out of suffering, and into more freedom, joy, and ease in our lives.

During this 5-day silent meditation retreat, we’ll be exploring each of these four in more depth by spending a full day on each – contemplating the body, feelings, mind states, and dharmas.

Our time together will include daily dharma talks, guided meditation, silent meditation, walking meditation, and q&a sessions about these transformative practices.

Some meditation experience might be helpful, but the practice and its teachings is applicable to all, and all are welcome.

In order to nurture a sense of stillness and deep listening, we have secured exclusive use of the full retreat center, and silence will be maintained throughout the retreat as we experience a variety of dharma talks, silent and guided meditations, and walking meditation on the beautiful grounds.


May 2-6, 2024: 5-Day Meditation Retreat – KEEP CALMLY KNOWING CHANGE: Embodying the 3 Truths

A summary of the entire practice of meditation, from master and scholar Bhikkhu Analayo

For thousands of years, meditation masters throughout the world have told us that if we can tap into a deep, experiential knowledge of what is often called emptiness, or sunyata, we can understand the entirety of the Dharma, the whole thing – and discover the Maha-Sukha, the Great Bliss.

And the good news is: this profound freedom isn’t far away, or unattainable – it can be tapped into in every moment, if we know how to look for it.

Vipassana (Insight) meditation – the oldest form of Buddhist meditation practice – shows us how to do this.

The root meaning of vipassana is “to see things as they are,” which means to know and experience our entire universe and everything in it as constantly and forever changing – including ourselves.

During this 5-day meditation retreat, we’ll explore how we can use our practice to begin to “see things as they are.” We’ll do this through an exploration of the 3 Truths of Life: impermanence (annica), suffering (dukkha), and anatta (the concept of no-self), along with the crucial teachings of the 5 Remembrances – and by getting a taste of the Great Bliss that comes with letting go.

Our time together will include daily dharma talks, guided meditation, silent meditation, walking meditation, and q&a sessions about these transformative practices. In order to nurture a sense of stillness and deep listening, silence will be maintained throughout the retreat.